Difficulty level is determined by the participants. The wild coast has been shaped by sea, ice and man during several thousand years. The view towards the north and the east is spectacular. Ljungö Llighthouse and the Högbonden Island are visible to the north during good weather conditions.
Cost: SEK 1000 including guide and 2-5 hikers.
A packed lunch or activities can be added at your request.
Add to your experience:
- Packed lunch or afternoon snack
- Nature guide if available
- Activites: nature games, open fire cooking, treasure hunt, mindfulness exercises oryour own preferences.
Would you like to book a hike? Do you have questions or enquiries? Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Reach me by phone or e-mail.
Phone: +46 (0)73-835 78 69
Email: info@kustvandrarna.se